Proof of concept

QR Based ordering app for restaurants

The idea is to replicate restaurants in Singapore where when customers are seated they will be provided with a QR or the table has the QR for them to scan.

From previous experiences in the Philippines, the tables have QR codes for customers but it will only download the menu as pdf or provide a link to their site.

Why would owners consider this solution?

  • Can reduce staff. From observation, the staff are only serving the food and does not take orders anymore.
  • Improve accuracy of orders. Customers will encode orders themselves.

Possible cons:

  • Technical difficulties. For older people who are not very comfortable with scanning QR codes and interacting with apps.
  • Connection issues. Customers that does not have mobile data or online connection will be unable to order.

User journey for customers

1. Customer gets seated

2. Customer scans provided QR code to access the ordering page e.g. - Table 1

2.1 Any number of customer can scan same QR and add orders.

3. Customer adds in to cart their orders then submit by clicking confirm order.

4. Added items can be viewed by clicking on the new link Review Orders that will appear.

5. If the customers are done with their meal they can request bill from the Review Orders page or ask a staff.

User journey for management and staff

1. Staff gets total number of customers to check available tables

1.1 Table availability can be viewed here - Tables available

1.1.1 From this view, staff can also make tables available and view orders.

2. Customer can request bill from their phones or ask a staff.

2.1 Staff can complete an order after payment from Tables available by clicking on "View Orders" then "Complete Order" button.

3. Payments are done as is or using current POS of store for this version.

User journey for admin

1. We can generate QR codes for the tables using this link - QR for print

Current build limitations:

1. No integration to POS, this can be added upon request

1. No dashboard to add tables and products, this can be added upon request

Current pages, products and tables are for demonstration purposes only.